Material issues Targets
  • Fostering and utilizing diverse human resources
  • Setting targets for women in management and monitoring progress; career training and support
  • Expanding and sustaining education and training programs for global HR development
2023 Progress
  • Completion of detailed design of new personnel system
  • Expansion of education and training programs

Human Resource Strategy

Guided by its Sustainability Policy, Star Micronics places considerable emphasis on its human resource strategy based on the core concept of the Company and employees growing together and contributing to society. In 2023, the Company continued to push forward the following strategies in an effort to achieve its HR strategy goals of building an environment in which all employees can maximize their potential regardless of gender, age, or race.

HR Strategy Goals

Building an environment in which all employees can maximize their potential regardless of gender, age, or race

1. Constructing new human resource systems
Strategy Progress and Plans
  • Rolling out a system for professionals (specialist training)
  • Rolling out a benefit framework commensurate with roles and responsibilities
  • Completing the detailed design of a new human resource structure and systems (to be introduced in 2025)
  • Taking steps to reform the Company’s retirement benefits and pension plan (introducing a defined contribution pension plan)
  • Extending the retirement age (currently implementing a progressive transition from the age of 60 to 65)
2. Enhancing diversity
Strategy Progress and Plans
  • Enhancing women’s empowerment (KPI: 10% or more women in managerial positions* by 2030)
  • Equivalent to or above the position of subsection leader
  • Fostering a corporate climate and changing awareness (manager training, developing flexible and diverse working styles, etc.)
  • Increasing the percentage of women in management
    (2021: 1.8% ⇒ 2022: 5.9% ⇒ 2023: 5.9%)
  • Appointing female directors
  • Promoting diverse work styles (expansion of flex and work-from-home systems)
Ratio of Female Workers (Non-consolidated)(%)
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Employees 19.9 19.5 19.8 20.3 21.4
Managers 1.1 1.1 1.8 5.9 5.9
Promoting diverse work styles Star Micronics has introduced the following systems to promote diverse and flexible work styles among employees.
System name Overview
Remote working A system that allows employees to work from their homes or a comparable location.
Satellite office work
A system that allows employees to work at other offices that differ from their designated offices.
Flextime work system A system that allows employees to decide their own daily work start and end times.
Medical leave system A leave system that can be used in addition to annual paid leave in cases where long-term outpatient (hospitalization) treatment is required due to infertility treatment or intractable diseases, etc.
3. Reinforcing education and training programs:
Developing employee autonomy, global human resource
Strategy Progress and Plans
  • Enhancing upskilling and reskilling initiatives
  • Strengthening global human resource development (establishing a medium- to long-term HR development cycle)
  • Increasing education and training outlays per employee
  • Introduced DX-related training to promote the DX strategy of each business segment (reskilling)
  • Expanded self-enlightenment support system to support employees who “continue to learn” (encouragement to acquire qualifications, distance learning, online learning assistance, etc.)
  • Expanded public training to nurture autonomous personnel (promoting cross-border learning through joint training with other companies, women-related training, etc.)
Expenses Allocated for Education and Training (Non-consolidated)
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Education and training
outlays per employee (Yen)
¥27,179 ¥37,462 ¥52,731 ¥89,084 ¥70,334
Total training expenses
(Thousands of yen)
¥13,209 ¥16,858 ¥22,780 ¥40,266 ¥33,765

Activities Aimed at Further Instilling Action Guidelines within the Group

Star Micronics renewed its Corporate Philosophy, Purpose, Management Policy, and Action Guidelines in February 2022. To this end, management undertook repeated discussions in its bid to complete this renewal and to put in place an autonomous organization that is capable of driving new growth. As a part of efforts to better convey its thoughts in an easy-to-understand manner, the Company published and distributed a philosophy book to employees.

We also held a general meeting of employees, attended by roughly 450 employees, during which we presented the 2023 Action Guidelines Award to those employees who embody our action guidelines. Under its Action Guidelines, Star Micronics calls on all of its employees to act with initiative and courage, to continue learning, to pursue technology, and to focus on team productivity. Action Guidelines awards were presented to the top three vote-getters in a preliminary survey for each category. In addition to many employees voting in the awards survey, the Company received numerous messages outlining their reason for voting.

We will again hold a general meeting of employees and the Action Guidelines Awards in 2024. Moving forward we will continue to strengthen activities to disseminate the Action Guidelines within the Company.

Philosophy Book
Philosophy Book
General meeting of employees
General meeting of employees