Message from Top Management

Since its founding in 1950, Star Micronics Co., Ltd. has created high value-added products based on its precision processing and assembly technologies. For more than half a century now, we have sought to develop businesses that "generate the greatest impact from the least materials." Our history began with the precision processing of miniature components. Thereafter, we expanded into CNC Swiss-type automatic lathes, printers, and other fields, in line with the shifting demands of the times. Star Micronics has established a solid presence in each field.
Moreover, from very early on, we have consistently set our sights on the global market, and have striven to develop our production and sales networks on a worldwide basis.
Star Micronics basic policy for global business expansion has been to develop business in growing industries and niche markets, in addition to merely expanding the size of its business.
In recent years, Information and Communications Technologies have been dramatically transforming business and lifestyles through IoT, AI and the Cloud. At Star Micronics, we perceive every change as an opportunity to employ our long-cultivated technology, expand our global business and further raise our corporate value. In addition to fortifying corporate governance and compliance, we are promoting environmental management activities and striving to fulfill our corporate social responsibilities. We look forward to your continued understanding and support in the years to come.
Representative Director,
President and CEO
Mamoru Sato