
Select negative/color inverted text printing style.
The negative command can be used anywhere in a line of text, causing all subsequent text to be printed as white text on a black background.


Currently, two parameters are supported, with no parameter values required.
Only a single on or off parameter should be provided.
Mixing parameters will cause undefined results.




Set subsequent text printing to use the negative version of the current font.


Set subsequent text printing to use the standard version of the current font.
Note, the [negative] command switches the color inversion effect off by default.
therefore the command sequences [negative] and [negative: off] are equivalent.



This is a simple markup example, using only the [negative] and [cut] commands.

Negative Text example

\[negative\: on/off\]
This is Standard Text.
[negative: on]This is negative text.
This is still negative.
[negative: off]This is standard text again.
[negative: on]これは白黒反転印字
[negative: off]これは標準テキストに戻る。

It is safe to [negative: on]use negative on[negative] and off on the same [negative: on]line[negative] freely.
同じ[negative: on]行で[negative]自由に、安全に[negative: on]白黒反転印字を有効にし[negative]そして無効にできる。


Output at 58mm

This is the result when using the markup processor to sent to an mC-Print2 58mm(2inch) printer.


Output at 80mm

This is the result when using the markup processor to sent to a TSP650II 80mm(3inch) printer.
