
Specify text and image alignment on the printed page.
Currently, the Markup Language supports left, right and central alignment.
Please use the [align] tag at the beginning of a line for the expected results.
The specified alignment will remain for all proceeding data, until changed, it does not need to be specified per line.
By default, left parameter is assumed, therefor using the [align] command with no parameter is the equivalent of [align: left] .


Alignment is specified by the presence of either the left, right, centre, center, or middle parameters, which do not need to have a value.
Only one of these parameters should be present, or results can not be guaranteed between markup implementations.



left / l

Specify left alignment for following text and image printing.

right / r

Specify right alignment for following text and image printing.

middle / centre / center / c / m / mid

Specify central alignment for following text and image printing.



This is a simple markup example, using only the [align] and [cut] commands.

[align: left]\
This will be
printed on the
left side of
the page.
[align: middle]\
This will be
printed in the
middle of
the page.
[align: right]\
This will be
printed on the
right side of
the page.
[align]Left again.


Output at 58mm

This is the result when using the markup processor to sent to an mC-Print2 58mm(2inch) printer.


Output at 80mm

This is the result when using the markup processor to sent to a TSP650II 80mm(3inch) printer.
