Star Micronics ANNUAL REPORT 2022
Review of OperationsMACHINE TOOLS
In the Machine Tools Segment, Star Micronics’ Swiss-Type CNC Automatic Lathes are ideally suited for precision component processing with high accuracy and are used in the processing of a wide range of components including automotive parts as well as communication equipment and medical components. Star Micronics has put in place solutions that consistently address users’ needs by leveraging the latest technologies including its proprietary Star Motion Control System and web-based application that optimizes and monitors machine operations, respectively.
CNC automatic lathe video

Business Environment and Results in 2022
In the Machine Tools Segment, sales of CNC automatic lathes jumped significantly amid brisk global demand for capital investment in 2022. By geographic region, sales were strong across a wide range of industries centered on the medical-related sector in the U.S. market. In the European market, sales were robust mainly in automotive-related industries. Accordingly, sales rose significantly in each market. Despite signs of a cautious approach toward capital investment in China over the latter half of the year, sales in the Asian market increased. This was mainly due to the ongoing high level of sales mainly in automotive-related industries. With signs of a recovery across a wide range of industries, sales in the domestic market increased substantially. This was despite the delay in an automotive-related recovery in Japan.
Accounting for these factors, net sales in the Machine Tools Segment climbed 42.3% compared with the previous year, to ¥69,409 million (US$521,872 thousand) while operating income jumped 78.6% year on year, to ¥12,249 million (US$92,098 thousand).
*1 The consolidated fiscal period for the fiscal period ended December 31, 2018 is based on and presented for a 10-month period for the Company and consolidated subsidiaries in Japan and a 12-month period for overseas consolidated subsidiaries.
*2 In conjunction with its decision to dissolve the Precision Products Division, Star Micronics Co., Ltd. took steps to revise the classification of its business segments in 2020. Effective from 2021, the Company reclassified the three Special Products, Machine Tools, and Precision Products segments into the two Special Products and Machine Tools segments. Meanwhile, turning to segment information in 2020, the amount included in the Precision Products Segment is now included in the Machine Tools Segment.

Outlook for 2023 and Business Strategies
Sales in the mainstay Machine Tools Segment are forecast to decline in 2023. Despite expectations of an upswing in sales as order backlogs clear in Europe and the U.S., this forecast decline is due to concerns surrounding a downturn in capital investment demand triggered by the slowdown in economic conditions.
Looking ahead, Star Micronics will undertake the necessary preparations to commence operations at solution centers in Shanghai and Switzerland while working to expand production capacity by bolstering its three production bases. The Company will also strengthen its sales structure by enhancing before- and after-sales services in Japan, Europe, and Asia.
As far as business results are concerned, net sales in the Machine Tools Segment are forecast to decline 11.0% compared with the year under review, to ¥61,760 million. Operating income is anticipated to decrease 20.8% year on year, to ¥9,700 million.

A New Product, the SD-26, Draws Attention
at the Japan International Machine Tool Fair JIMTOF2022
Star Micronics announced details of the SD-26, a new model Swiss type automatic lathe capable of up to 26-diameter machining in September 2022. The SD-26 is available in 4 types allowing the user to select the most suitable tool post specification according to the workpiece. The type S has a 2nd B-axis mechanism that can provide swivel control for the dedicated tool unit and can be fitted with various types of tool units, including the industry’s first twin-thread whirling unit. All types offer various features to enhance workability and operability during setup and other operations, including
reconfigured tool post layouts as well as various software options to support operator operations.
Exhibited for the first time in Japan at JIMTOF2022, the SD-26 type E attracted considerable praise. Customers were able to experience not only the machining capabilities of this new product, but also its workability and operability.