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Established in 1950, Star Micronics Co., Ltd. possesses the strength of developing and manufacturing high-added value products based on its core technologies of small-scale precision processing and assembly, aiming for more than half a century to realize businesses that “generate the greatest impact from the least materials.” From early period, we have looked overseas for business opportunities and promoted growth strategies with an emphasis on profitability in the global niche markets since the company was established. Going forward, Star Micronics will leverage the strength it has built up to develop its businesses and further raise its corporate value.

Group’s performance in the Fiscal 2024

Looking at fiscal 2024, the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024, the global economy as a whole remained on a moderate recovery trend amid signs of a slowdown in inflation arising from factors such as the prolonged implementation of monetary tightening policies by various countries.
Despite indications of a shift in economic trends, including moves to lower interest rates in the U.S. and Europe, there were ongoing concerns about a recession, owing to persistently high interest rates, among other factors.
Moreover, the outlook remained uncertain amid concerns surrounding overall economic stagnation caused by a variety of factors, including the slump in real estate market conditions in China and continued depreciation in the yen in Japan.
In each of the major markets in which the Star Micronics Group operates, while overall demand for POS printers remained weak, demand in the U.S. set out on a recovery trend. In addition, while demand for the Group’s mainstay machine tools remained sluggish in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, demand in China rallied temporarily on the back of subsidy policies and other factors.
Under these circumstances, while the weak yen contributed to the overall performance of the Star Micronics Group in the fiscal year under review, the Group recorded sales of ¥64,994 million, down 16.9% compared with the previous fiscal year, due mainly to the significant decline in sales of machine tools. On the profit front, operating income was down 61.2% to ¥4,021 million, ordinary income was down 58.8% to ¥4,515 million, and net income attributable to owners of parent decreased 77.3% to ¥1,855 million.

To Our Shareholders

Star Micronics positions the return and distribution of profits to shareholders as an important management priority.
With this in mind, the Company has put in place the basic policy of continuing to pay a progressive and stable annual dividend of at least ¥60 per share and committing to achieve a total payout ratio of at least 50%, including the repurchase of its own shares.
Based on this policy, Star Micronics paid a period-end dividend of ¥30 per share. Together with the interim dividend of ¥30 per share, the Company paid an annual dividend of ¥60 per share. This annual dividend is unchanged from the previous fiscal year.
The Company also recently formulated a new Medium-Term Management Plan, covering the three years to the fiscal year ending December 31, 2027. The plan calls for paying a progressive annual dividend per share of ¥70 or more and targets a consolidated total payout ratio of 50% or more. Based on this policy, the Company plans to increase the annual dividend for the next fiscal year by ¥10 from the current fiscal year, to ¥70, consisting of a ¥35 interim and period-end dividend.
Turning to the Company’s internal reserves, Star Micronics is committed to enhancing its corporate value while increasing shareholders’ profits. At the same time, the Company will look to engage in a variety of activities including investment in future growth fields in a bid to ensure its sustainable growth.

March 2025
Representative Director,
President and Chief Executive Officer

Mamoru Sato