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The precision machining, assembly, and software technologies that the Star Micronics Group has cultivated since its founding in 1950 have greatly contributed to the conservation of resources. The biggest feature of the Swiss-type CNC automatic lathe, which is the main product of our Machine Tools business, is to "produce more parts unmanned and using minimal materials." Specifically, it minimizes the chips and waste materials generated when processing bar materials and produces more high-precision parts efficiently in a shorter processing time.

With our POS printers, which are the main product of our Special Products business, we have also made it possible to issue receipts without paper consumption by installing an electronic receipt issuing function, the first of its kind in the world. We have refined the functions of our main products and made them available to customers around the world, thereby attaining resource conservation for steel, paper, and electricity. This has also enabled us to form a business portfolio that will lead to solving environmental issues such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and attaining a recycling-oriented society. Taking pride and responsibility in our business activities as entities that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, we set goals for addressing various issues through our Sustainability Committee to contribute further to the sustainable development of society.


For the Star Micronics Group, which operates globally, protecting the global environment is fundamentally a business continuity strategy. To achieve a sustainable society, we aim for carbon neutrality in collaboration with our supply chain partners. As an intermediate goal towards reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 46% by fiscal year 2030 compared to fiscal year 2013, we achieved a 33% reduction in fiscal year 2023. One of our guiding principles is to "pursue technology." Under the goal of providing new value to society, we have developed new products that consider energy saving and resource recycling through our pursuit and refinement of technology. Additionally, the new factory for our Machine Tools business, scheduled to start construction in 2024, aims to obtain ZEB certification, targeting to be a state-of-the-art sustainable factory.


We have established ourselves as a global niche company with strong teamwork, always respecting others across nationalities, races, and genders. We commit to protecting human rights, valuing diversity, and enhancing our corporate culture of mutual respect to build a resilient, dynamic, and trustworthy corporation. Towards this goal, we focus on developing and utilizing diverse talents, striving to increase the percentage of women in management positions, which is currently lagging in Japan's Machine Tools industry, and enhancing education and training programs for global talent development.

Corporate Governance

We will strengthen our internal controls and protect and enhance our corporate culture to comply with laws, regulations, norms, and other compliance requirements. In addition, we will solidify our management monitoring mechanism to maximize the interests of all stakeholders and increase our corporate value. We aim to further enhance corporate governance by strengthening the supervisory function of the Board of Directors and advancing a transparent governance system through fair, proactive, and appropriate information disclosure.

Based on our corporate philosophy, we will grow together with our employees. We aim to achieve our goals of enhancing corporate value in a sustainable way, contributing to the sustainable development of society, and enriching the lives of employees and their families. We recognize that efforts toward materiality based on the basic sustainability policy are essential for moving closer to these goals. At the same time, there are limits to our ability to take this path alone. The understanding and cooperation of all stakeholders around the world are essential. Through enhancing our corporate value in a sustainable way, the Group will continue to work together to meet everyone's expectations. We ask for your continuing support of the Star Micronics Group.

Representative Director,
President and Chief Executive Officer

Mamoru Sato