Social Contribution Activities

New Initiatives in Community Contribution through Sports by STAR MICRONICS CO., LTD.

Starting in 2023, Star Micronics Co., Ltd. has begun sponsoring three professional sports teams based in Shizuoka Prefecture: SHIZUOKA Blue Revs (rugby), SHIMIZU S-PULSE (football), and VELTEX SHIZUOKA (basketball). These teams contribute to the community beyond the realm of sports by supporting the healthy development of children through sports, organizing events for regional revitalization, and raising awareness about social issues. Shizuoka Prefecture, blessed with Mount Fuji and a warm climate, is a region rich in nature with a community that loves sports. As part of this community, we are committed to contributing to the sustainable development of the local society alongside these professional sports teams.

Collection Volunteers

Social contribution organizations such as NGOs and NPOs help fund their activities by collecting income from membership fees and donations from corporations and individuals that support those activities, as well as collecting used stamps and the like.
As a close volunteer who can participate in our company, with the cooperation of our employees, Star collects used stamps, foreign coins, and the like, and donates them to UNICEF, JOICFP, the Prefectural Volunteer Association, and others. Also, the company provides a certain amount of support with a matching gift for these donations.

Setup of Fundraising Type Vending Machines

The headquarters has set up fundraising beverage vending machines from which part of the purchase price is donated to a designated organization for fundraising.
The headquarters vending machines are used for welfare activities in Shizuoka Prefecture as joint fundraising for the Central Community Chest of Japan.

Business Trip Blood Donations from the Japanese Red Cross

Because life-sustaining blood cannot yet be artificially produced and stored for long periods of time, blood that is required for medical care is supported by donations.
Star is registered as a blood donor, and with the cooperation of our employees, the company conducts blood donations through the Japanese Red Cross twice a year.

Implementation of Ordinary Life-saving Training

In addition to installing AEDs internally, our "Ordinary Life-saving Training" is held annually with the cooperation of a local fire department.
This course includes simulations and practical skills such as giving first aid, handling bleeding, resuscitation methods during a cardiopulmonary arrest, and the use of AEDs and the like. All employees can take courses to be prepared for times when they may need to use those skills.