Shareholder and Investor Relations

Disclosure Policy

In accordance with the timely disclosure rules established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Star has made timely and appropriate disclosures of information. Furthermore, even if the information does not fall under the timely disclosure rules, Star actively discloses the information that the company believes is useful to shareholders and investors to understand the company.

IR Activities

Star is proactively developing IR activities, including biannual financial results briefings for analysts and individual meetings with institutional investors. Star also has a variety of tools in place to provide timely and accurate management information, such as the “Annual Report (in English)” and “Annual Securities Report.” Particularly, Star recognizes that making disclosures on our website is an important means of ensuring fair disclosures of information, and promptly posts that information in the Investor Information section of our website.

General Meeting of Shareholders

In addition to company efforts for early sending of notices that a general meeting of shareholders will be held, and offering a pre-mailing disclosure on the company's homepage, Star strives fully to understand the content of proposals when exercising voting rights, such as responding to the exercising of voting rights on the Internet, participating in the electronic voting exercise platforms for institutional investors, and posting the English-language version of the summary of the notice of convening the general meeting on the Company website.

Shareholder Returns

Star has positioned the return of profits to shareholders as one of the company’s important management measures, and the company’s goal is to achieve a consolidated total return of more than 50%, including the acquisition of treasury shares.