Respect for Human Rights

Respect for Human Rights and Non-discrimination

To ensure Respect for Human Rights and Non-discrimination at all times, Star has established compliance with the Star Micronics Group・Sustainability Code of Conduct and has informed all our officers and employees.

Human rights and labor (from the Star Micronics Group・Sustainability Code of Conduct)

  1. We do not use labor derived from coercion, detention, inhumane prison labor, slavery, or human trafficking. We also protect the right of employees to quit or terminate their employment voluntarily without forcing them to work.
  2. Children under the minimum working age are not allowed to work. Further, we will not allow young workers to engage in hazardous work that may impair their health and safety.
  3. We will not allow working beyond the limits prescribed by the laws and regulations of the region where one works. We will also appropriately manage working hours and holidays.
  4. We will comply with the laws and regulations of the region where one works and compensate them appropriately.
  5. We respect human rights and do not engage in inhuman treatment such as mental and physical abuse, coercion, or harassment.
  6. Religious practices will be given due consideration.
  7. While complying with the laws and regulations of the region where one works, we will respect worker's right to organize as a means of achieving labor-management consultations on issues such as working environment and wage standards.
  8. We do not discriminate irrationally based on birth, nationality, race, ethnicity, skin color, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, educational background, etc.
  9. We will not use status in the company or position to pressure or coerce others.