Labor Relations and Safety and Health Activities

Efforts for Health Management

Star Micronics Health Management Declaration

Our company promotes initiatives toward health management.

Health Management

Star has added an item on regular health checks to be in line with the company's health issues.
Furthermore, employees over the age of 35 have the option of choosing a full physical examination, and the company subsidizes most of those costs to facilitate their seeing a doctor. As an activity to promote health, Star distributes health-information e-mail magazines, offers a discount to designated physical training facilities, yoga classes and health seminars, subsidizes sporting groups, and holds walking events twice a year, all to establish good exercise habits.

Health Counseling by Industrial Physicians

Employees who have had issues pointed out in a regular medical examination or full physical examination are encouraged to visit their doctor for advice and are interviewed by our industrial physicians as a subsequent measure. Also, once a month, the industrial physician visits each office in Shizuoka Prefecture, offering employees a place where they can directly consult and see a doctor.

Mental Health Care

In an era with dramatically changing working environments, the number of people with mental health issues in the workplace is rapidly increasing. To prevent this from happening, Star has set up a mental health consultation desk within our company to help relieve our employees of their stress and concerns. In addition, our industrial physicians are set at designated, external medical institutions, and external counseling services are introduced to provide mental health care to our employees.

Implementation of Stress Checks

To understand the status of employee stress, Star conducts annual stress checks. Our industrial physicians interview employees based on each person's request for those who are highly stressed as indicated in a survey.

Prevention of Passive Smoking

The entire building is a smoke-free environment in view of compliance with the Health Promotion Act and workplace safety and hygiene considerations. Also, to prevent passive smoking, customers who come to the company are also asked to refrain from smoking inside the building. In addition, Star continuously conducts awareness-raising activities to help smokers to stop smoking.

Efforts for Occupational Safety and Health

Prevention of Occupational Accidents (Safety and Health Management)

To raise the safety and hygiene awareness of our employees and to prevent disasters and disease, Star has established a "Safety and Health Committee" at each business office. The committee meets once a month. It undertakes activities to improve daily safety and hygiene, such as by offering guidance and training, and patrols in the factory.

Prevention of Traffic Accidents

By ensuring that no employees have any accidents or commit any traffic violations, Star contributes to the development of business facilities, the safety of our drivers, and the traffic safety of the local community. Employees who drive a company car while on the job are required to obtain an "internal license.” They are also subject to a driving suitability test.

Labor Relations

The labor union and management have established a labor-management council (a central labor-management council and a branch labor-management council) as a place to exchange opinions for periodically negotiating and discussing labor conditions and the various human resources systems. This built industrial relations based on mutual trust.