Compliance Promotion System
The company's Compliance Regulations defines the compliance promotion system as shown in the figure below.

Basic Policy of the Compliance Regulations (from the Compliance Regulations)
- The company fully recognizes that non-compliance can shake the company's management foundation, and positions thorough compliance as a basic principle of management.
- The company promotes business with a world-class compliance system in its global business activities.
- The company will develop the compliance activities set forth in the preceding paragraph. With this, the company will be highly appreciated by shareholders, customers, and all localities, will gain trust from the public and will establish it as one that will not lose.
Compliance Consultation Desk System
In order promptly to recognize that the organization, or an individual has conducted fraudulent, violating, or anti-ethical acts, and quickly respond thereto, the company has established a system for "Regulations for the Compliance Consultation Desk" and determined the operation of the consultation desk.
The Compliance Consultation Desk is operated by two people. The Compliance Committee Secretariat and the Audit Committee at the company headquarters.
They receive consultations and reports on non-compliance from group officers and employees and temporary employees and respond to questions and concerns.
The compliance committee and a consultation desk have also been set up to make it easier for local staff at Star Micronics Manufacturing Dalian Co., Ltd., and Star Micronics Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. which are major overseas production bases.
Consultation methods include telephone calls, email, letters, interviews, or the like, thereby creating an environment that makes it easy for users to consult with the committee.
Star strives to strengthen the compliance system so that each employee has high ethical standards.