The class that controls the printer
Constructor |
Initialize object |
Property |
Printer information |
Printer connection settings |
Template |
Error details |
Status event for the printer |
Status event for the cash drawer |
Status event for an input device |
Status event for the customer display |
Open timeout (msec) |
Print timeout (msec) |
Get status timeout (msec) |
Set/Get Star Configuration timeout(msec) |
Method (for iOS 13 or later) |
Open the printer |
print(command: String, starSpoolJobSettings: StarSpoolJobSettings) async |
Print using the printer’s spooler function |
Print binary data |
Get the printer status |
Get the print job status of the specified print job ID |
Get the print job history (List of print job status) for the specified number of jobs from the most recent. |
Get the present Star Configuration |
Get the default Star Configuration |
Set Star Configuration |
Close the printer |
Method (for iOS 12) is provided only for compatibility of applications supporting iOS 12 and will be removed in the future when the minimum supported OS version of this SDK is raised to iOS 15.
[Deprecated] Method (for iOS 12) |
Open the printer |
print(command: String, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) |
Print using the printer’s spooler function |
Print binary data |
getStatus(completion: @escaping (StarIO10.StarPrinterStatus?, Error?) -> Void) |
Get the printer status |
getSpoolJobStatus(jobId: Int, completion: @escaping (StarSpoolJobStatus?, Error?) -> Void) |
Get the print job status of the specified print job ID |
getSpoolJobStatusList(size: Int, completion: @escaping ([StarSpoolJobStatus]?, Error?) -> Void) |
Get the print job history (List of print job status) for the specified number of jobs from the most recent. |
getStarConfiguration(completion: @escaping (String?, Error?) -> Void) |
Get the present Star Configuration |
getDefaultStarConfiguration(completion: @escaping (String?, Error?) -> Void) |
Get the default Star Configuration |
setStarConfiguration(starConfiguration: String, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) |
Set Star Configuration |
Close the printer |