StarXpand SDK for iOS/Android Developer's Manual Ver. 1.8.1

Last update: February 28, 2025


If this page does not solve your problem, please also see Issues (iOS), Issues (Android)on Github.

Q: What OSs and development languages are supported?

A: Native applications, which run on iOS or Android, are supported.
Swift is supported as the iOS development language. For the iOS OS support versions, see this page.
Kotlin is supported as the Android development language. For the Android OS support versions, see this page.

Q: How can I use this SDK on my application?

A: Embed the StarIO10 library to your application using the procedure on the page below.

Q: What do I need to do to connect the printer to a tablet or PC?

A: Configure the initial settings. The initial setting method varies depending on the OS or interface you are using. Select your usage environment on this page, and then configure the settings according to the steps.

Q: Can I use a barcode reader?

A: Yes, you can. A barcode read by a barcode reader connected to the printer via USB can be acquired via the printer. For the specific installation method, see this page.

Q: Can I obtain logs?

A: Yes, you can. For how to use the log function, see "Obtain Logs" on this page.
The log function assumes to be used for analysis during a test run or in the event of a trouble, so it may affect the performance of the application.

Q: What do I need to do to migrate from iOS V1.0.0 to V2.0.0 or later?

A: Starting with the StarXpand SDK V2.0.0, the OS versions that support the StarPrinter class methods have changed, which requires calling source codes to be changed.
For the specific description of changes, see this page.

Q: What should I do when archiving an application is failed with the error below?

..StarI010.framework/StarI010' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. ...

A: If you set bitcode enabled in Xcode setting, select “No” for Build Settings > Enable Bitcode.
Remaining the setting “Yes” causes archiving an application failed with the error.
Bitcode has been deprecated from Xcode14 or later, and AppStore no longer uses bitcode as well.
To follow the direction of it, starting with StarXpand SDK V2.3.0, bitcode is not included in StarIO10 library.
Xcode14 Release Notes:

Q: Where can I find the revision history?

A: It is published on GitHub. See the page below.

Q: The sample print data included with this SDK prints nothing or its layout is corrupted.

A: Please make sure that you are calling the print data generation API supported by your model.
Example 1 - TSP100II series and TSP100III series cannot specify character strings for print data (See actionPrintText(iOS)/actionPrintText(Android) method). Please specify print data as images (See actionPrintImage(iOS)/actionPrintImage(Android) method), etc.
Example 2 - TSP700II series cannot specify print data using the Page Mode API (See addPageMode(iOS)/addPageMode(Android) method).

Q: Layout of print data using Page Mode is corrupted.

A: Please refer to PageModeAreaParameter(iOS)/PageModeAreaParameter(Android) and confirm that the printing area in Page Mode is set correctly. If the printing area in Page Mode is not set correctly, the layout may be corrupted or the data may not be printed at all.