StarXpand SDK for iOS/Android Developer's Manual Ver. 1.8.1

Last update: February 28, 2025

Step 1 Generate Printing Data: Standard Function

The procedure varies depending on the OS. Select the OS to display.

iOS Android

Use PrinterBuilder to generate printing data.
PrinterBuilder provides you with useful methods to create printing data of receipts or labels.

The following is a printing result of a print sample available in the SDK. The procedure below describes the areas indicated by the numbers.
Created printing data will be used in Step 2.

Create printing data using the procedure below.
The sample code is available at the bottom of the page. Also, refer to the sample application in the SDK.

1 Generate the StarXpandCommandBuilder instance, which is used to generate printing data.
Call the addDocument method to add DocumentBuilder, and then call the addPrinter method to add PrinterBuilder.
Call the PrinterBuilder methods to generate printing data.

let builder = StarXpandCommand.StarXpandCommandBuilder()
_ = builder.addDocument(StarXpandCommand.DocumentBuilder.init()

2 Call the actionPrintImage method to print the image.

.actionPrintImage(StarXpandCommand.Printer.ImageParameter(image: logo, width: 406))

3 Call the styleInternationalCharacter method to set the international character set to USA.


4 Call the styleCharacterSpace method to set the character spacing to 0 dots.


5 Call the styleAlignment method to set the alignment to the center.


6 Call the actionPrintText method to instruct the printing of the character string.

.actionPrintText("Star Clothing Boutique\n" +
                 "123 Star Road\n" +
                 "City, State 12345\n" +

TSP100III series and TSP100IIU+ do not support actionPrintText because these products are graphics-only printers.
Please use the actionPrintImage method to create printing data for these products. For other available methods, please also refer to "Supported Models" of each method.

7 Call the add method to add a nested PrinterBuilder instance.
Character decoration set in a nested PrinterBuilder is valid only in that PrinterBuilder, and cannot be transferred to the parent PrinterBuilder.
Call the styleMagnification method to set the double height and width expansion for the character string.

        .styleMagnification(StarXpandCommand.MagnificationParameter(width: 2, height: 2))
        .actionPrintText("   $156.95\n")

8 Call the styleInvert method to set black and white inversion for the character string.


9 Call the actionPrintBarcode method to instruct the printing of the barcode. You can set the barcode in BarcodeParameter.

.actionPrintBarcode(StarXpandCommand.Printer.BarcodeParameter(content: "0123456", symbology: .jan8)

10 Call the actionFeedLine method to instruct the paper feeding of one line of data.


11 Call the actionPrintQRCode method to instruct the printing of the QR code. You can set the QR code in QRCodeParameter.

.actionPrintQRCode(StarXpandCommand.Printer.QRCodeParameter(content: "Hello World.\n")

12 Call the actionCut method to instruct the paper cut while leaving one central point.


13 Call the getCommands method to acquire the printing data.

let command = builder.getCommands()
Sample code

let builder = StarXpandCommand.StarXpandCommandBuilder()
_ = builder.addDocument(StarXpandCommand.DocumentBuilder.init()
                 .actionPrintImage(StarXpandCommand.Printer.ImageParameter(image: logo, width: 406))
                 .actionPrintText("Star Clothing Boutique\n" +
                                  "123 Star Road\n" +
                                  "City, State 12345\n" +
                 .actionPrintText("Date:MM/DD/YYYY    Time:HH:MM PM\n" +
                                  "--------------------------------\n" +
                         .actionPrintText("SALE \n")
                 .actionPrintText("SKU         Description    Total\n" +
                                  "300678566   PLAIN T-SHIRT  10.99\n" +
                                  "300692003   BLACK DENIM    29.99\n" +
                                  "300651148   BLUE DENIM     29.99\n" +
                                  "300642980   STRIPED DRESS  49.99\n" +
                                  "300638471   BLACK BOOTS    35.99\n" +
                                  "\n" +
                                  "Subtotal                  156.95\n" +
                                  "Tax                         0.00\n" +
                 .actionPrintText("Total     ")
                         .styleMagnification(StarXpandCommand.MagnificationParameter(width: 2, height: 2))
                         .actionPrintText("   $156.95\n")
                 .actionPrintText("--------------------------------\n" +
                                  "\n" +
                                  "Charge\n" +
                                  "156.95\n" +
                                  "Visa XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0123\n" +
                         .actionPrintText("Refunds and Exchanges\n")
                 .actionPrintText("Within ")
                         .actionPrintText("30 days")
                 .actionPrintText(" with receipt\n" +
                                  "And tags attached\n" +
                 .actionPrintBarcode(StarXpandCommand.Printer.BarcodeParameter(content: "0123456", symbology: .jan8)
                 .actionPrintQRCode(StarXpandCommand.Printer.QRCodeParameter(content: "Hello World.\n")
let command = builder.getCommands()

Use PrinterBuilder to generate printing data.
PrinterBuilder provides you with useful methods to create printing data of receipts or labels.

The following is a printing result of a print sample available in the SDK. The procedure below describes the areas indicated by the numbers.
Created printing data will be used in Step 2.

Create printing data using the procedure below.
The sample code is available at the bottom of the page. Also, refer to the sample application in the SDK.

1 Generate the StarXpandCommandBuilder instance, which is used to generate printing data.
Call the addDocument method to add DocumentBuilder, and then call the addPrinter method to add PrinterBuilder.
Call the PrinterBuilder methods to generate printing data.

val builder = StarXpandCommandBuilder()

2 Call the actionPrintImage method to instruct the printing of the image.

.actionPrintImage(ImageParameter(logo, 406))

3 Call the styleInternationalCharacter method to set the international character set to USB.


4 Call the styleCharacterSpace method to set the character spacing to 0 dots.


5 Call the styleAlignment method to set the alignment to center.


6 Call the actionPrintText method to instruct the printing of the character string.

    "Star Clothing Boutique\n" +
            "123 Star Road\n" +
            "City, State 12345\n" +

TSP100III series and TSP100IIU+ do not support actionPrintText because these products are graphics-only printers.
Please use the actionPrintImage method to create printing data for these products. For other available methods, please also refer to "Supported Models" of each method.

7 Call the add method so that you can add a nested PrinterBuilder instance.
Character decoration set in a nested PrinterBuilder is valid only in that PrinterBuilder but not transferred to the parent PrinterBuilder.
Call the styleMagnification method to set the double height and width expansion for the character string.

        .styleMagnification(MagnificationParameter(2, 2))
        .actionPrintText("   $156.95\n")

8 Call the styleInvert method to set black and white inversion for the character string.


9 Call the actionPrintBarcode method to instruct the printing of the barcode. You can set the barcode in BarcodeParameter.

    BarcodeParameter("0123456", BarcodeSymbology.Jan8)

10 Call the actionFeedLine method to instruct the paper feeding of one line of data.


11 Call the actionPrintQRCode method to instruct the printing of the QR code. You can set the QR code in QRCodeParameter.

    QRCodeParameter("Hello, World\n")

12 Call the actionCut method to instruct the paper cut while leaving one central point.


13 Call the getCommands method to acquire the printing data.

val commands = builder.getCommands()
Sample code

val builder = StarXpandCommandBuilder()
                  .actionPrintImage(ImageParameter(logo, 406))
                      "Star Clothing Boutique\n" +
                              "123 Star Road\n" +
                              "City, State 12345\n" +
                      "Date:MM/DD/YYYY    Time:HH:MM PM\n" +
                              "--------------------------------\n" +
                      "SKU         Description    Total\n" +
                              "300678566   PLAIN T-SHIRT  10.99\n" +
                              "300692003   BLACK DENIM    29.99\n" +
                              "300651148   BLUE DENIM     29.99\n" +
                              "300642980   STRIPED DRESS  49.99\n" +
                              "300638471   BLACK BOOTS    35.99\n" +
                              "\n" +
                              "Subtotal                  156.95\n" +
                              "Tax                   0.00\n" +
                  .actionPrintText("Total     ")
                          .styleMagnification(MagnificationParameter(2, 2))
                          .actionPrintText("   $156.95\n")
                      "--------------------------------\n" +
                              "\n" +
                              "Charge\n" +
                              "156.95\n" +
                              "Visa XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0123\n" +
                          .actionPrintText("Refunds and Exchanges\n")
                  .actionPrintText("Within ")
                          .actionPrintText("30 days")
                  .actionPrintText(" with receipt\n")
                      "And tags attached\n" +
                      BarcodeParameter("0123456", BarcodeSymbology.Jan8)
                      QRCodeParameter("Hello, World\n")

val commands = builder.getCommands()