MQTT Message Topic Speficication

Describes the topic specifications of MQTT messages in CloudPRNT Version MQTT .

CloudPRNT server side


A CloudPRNT server subscribes to messages on the following topics.
Subscribe to messages from all printers that connect to the same MQTT broker as a CloudPRNT server.
Receiving topic example


In CloudPRNT Version MQTT (Trigger POST), no MQTT messages are published by a printer.
So a CloudPRNT server does not need to subscribe to MQTT messages.


A CloudPRNT server issues messages to printers on the following topics.
Server can specify individual printers by topic.
Publication topic example

Printer side


Printers running on CloudPRNT Version MQTT subscribe to messages on the following topics.
A printer only receives messages specifying its own MAC address.


Printers working with CloudPRNT Version MQTT (Full MQTT / Pass URL) publish messages on the following topics.
A CloudPRNT server can identify the source and method of a message just by its topic.

Optional: Customize Topic Name

As explained above, the topic name defaults to:
Message to server: star/cloudprnt/to-server/{printermac}/{method}
Message for printer: star/cloudprnt/to-device/{printermac}/{method}

As an optional function, you can change the prefix of the topic name that a printer subscribes to and publishes according to the setting value obtained by the server response of Server setting information request (GET) .

Example: Describe as follows in the response body JSON.
"deviceSubscribeTopicName" : "test/system/to-device/{MAC}",
"devicePublishTopicName" : "test/system/to-server/{MAC}",
With the above setting example, a printer subscribes and publishes as follows.
  • Topic name that a printer subscribes to: test/system/to-device/00:11:22:aa:bb:cc/#

  • Topic name published by a printer : test/system/to-server/00:11:22:aa:bb:cc/{method}

Adding /# to the value of the deviceSubscribeTopicName key becomes the topic name to which a printer subscribes.
Adding /{method} to the value of the devicePublishTopicName key will be the topic name published by the printer. Actual values for {method} are client-status, print-result, etc.