Request (GET)

When the Client has been informed (via a POST response) that print data is available, then it will retrieve this through an http GET request.
In accordance to the http specification, the GET does not have a message body, but instead passes all parameters via a query string, or inside header options.
[http/https]://[cloudprntURL]?uid=<printer ID>&type=<media type>&mac=<mac address>&token=<job token>

Some Query parameters are supported from certain firmware versions, depending on the supported models:

Query Parameter




1.8 or later

3.2 or later


JSON parameters and supported models not listed in the table are supported by all firmware versions.

  • uid
    A server specified UniqueID.
    This will only be included if it has been set by the server.
  • type
    The requested media data type of the print job.
    Servers may serve jobs in multiple forms if they prefer. (e.g. Star Line, Raster, PNG, plain text).
    If so then the printer will choose the type that it prefers to handle from those available.
    If this is parameter omitted, then the server should return data in its preferred media format.)
  • mac
    The printer MAC address, as used in the POST request.
  • token
    Some models are supported from specific firmware versions.
    A token is the URL encoded string token, present if one was provided by the server in its POST response.
    This may be used by the server to uniquely identify jobs.
Servers can consider the print job to be in progress( Polling the server (POST) - JSON Request - printingInProgress) after the data is retrieved by a GET.
Clients may optionally stop POST based polling while printing (after the GET), until the print is complete, or an error has occurred(There are currently no models that support this specification).

Client HTTP Request Header

Supported Device Versions:

Device Name

FW Version


1.8 or later


3.2 or later


1.0 or later


2.0 or later


1.0 or later

Please refer to Client HTTP Request Headers for detail.