About this Manual
This manual is designed to help you understand StarPRNT SDK application. It is important to understand the basics of the application language.
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The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
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- 1. Getting Started
- 2. How to add the library
- 3. API Reference ( StarIO.dll )
- 3.1. Factory
- 3.2. IFactory
- 3.3. IPort
- 3.4. StarPrinterStatus
- 3.5. PortException
- 3.6. PrinterInterfaceType
- 3.7. PortInfo
- 3.8. StarBluetoothManager
- 3.8.1. Bluetooth setting change flow using StarBluetoothManager
- 3.8.2. StarDeviceType
- 3.8.3. StarBluetoothSecurity
- 3.8.4. StarBluetoothSettingCapability
- 3.8.5. BluetoothDeviceNameCapability
- 3.8.6. BluetoothDeviceName
- 3.8.7. iOSPortNameCapability
- 3.8.8. iOSPortName
- 3.8.9. PinCodeCapability
- 3.8.10. PinCode
- 3.8.11. AutoConnectCapability
- 3.8.12. AutoConnect
- 3.8.13. SecurityTypeCapability
- 3.8.14. SecurityType
- 3.8.15. PortName
- 3.8.16. PortSettings
- 3.8.17. Timeout
- 3.8.18. DeviceType
- 3.8.19. isOpened
- 3.8.20. StarBluetoothManager
- 3.8.21. Open
- 3.8.22. LoadSetting
- 3.8.23. Close
- 3.8.24. Apply
- 3.9. StarResultCode
- 4. API Reference ( StarIOExtension.dll )
- 4.1. StarIoExt
- 4.1.1. Emulation
- 4.1.2. CharacterCode
- 4.1.3. BcrModel
- 4.1.4. DisplayModel
- 4.1.5. MelodySpeakerModel
- 4.1.6. CreateCommandBuilder
- 4.1.7. CreateDisplayCommandBuilder
- 4.1.8. CreateMelodySpeakerCommandBuilder
- 4.1.9. CreateBcrConnectParser
- 4.1.10. CreateDisplayConnectParser
- 4.1.11. CreateMelodySpeakerConnectParser
- 4.1.12. GetStarIOExtVersion
- 4.2. ICommandBuilder
- 4.2.1. InitializationType
- 4.2.2. FontStyleType
- 4.2.3. CodePageType
- 4.2.4. InternationalType
- 4.2.5. LogoSize
- 4.2.6. AlignmentPosition
- 4.2.7. CutPaperAction
- 4.2.8. PeripheralChannel
- 4.2.9. SoundChannel
- 4.2.10. BarcodeSymbology
- 4.2.11. BarcodeWidth
- 4.2.12. Pdf417Level
- 4.2.13. QrCodeModel
- 4.2.14. QrCodeLevel
- 4.2.15. BitmapConverterRotation
- 4.2.16. BlackMarkType
- 4.2.17. LabelType
- 4.2.18. PrintableAreaType
- 4.2.19. CjkUnifiedIdeographFont
- 4.2.20. HoldPrintType
- 4.2.21. PaperPresentStatusType
- 4.2.22. Commands
- 4.2.23. BeginDocument
- 4.2.24. EndDocument
- 4.2.25. AppendInitialization
- 4.2.26. Append
- 4.2.27. AppendRaw
- 4.2.28. AppendFontStyle
- 4.2.29. AppendCodePage
- 4.2.30. AppendInternational
- 4.2.31. AppendLineFeed
- 4.2.32. AppendUnitFeed
- 4.2.33. AppendCharacterSpace
- 4.2.34. AppendLineSpace
- 4.2.35. AppendTopMargin
- 4.2.36. AppendEmphasis
- 4.2.37. AppendInvert
- 4.2.38. AppendMultiple
- 4.2.39. AppendUnderLine
- 4.2.40. AppendLogo
- 4.2.41. AppendAbsolutePosition
- 4.2.42. AppendAlignment
- 4.2.43. AppendHorizontalTabPosition
- 4.2.44. AppendCutPaper
- 4.2.45. AppendPeripheral
- 4.2.46. AppendSound
- 4.2.47. AppendBarcode
- 4.2.48. AppendBarcodeWithAbsolutePosition
- 4.2.49. AppendBarcodeWithAlignment
- 4.2.50. AppendPdf417
- 4.2.51. AppendPdf417WithAbsolutePosition
- 4.2.52. AppendPdf417WithAlignment
- 4.2.53. AppendQrCode
- 4.2.54. AppendQrCodeWithAbsolutePosition
- 4.2.55. AppendQrCodeWithAlignment
- 4.2.56. AppendBitmap
- 4.2.57. AppendBitmapWithAbsolutePosition
- 4.2.58. AppendBitmapWithAlignment
- 4.2.59. AppendBlackMark
- 4.2.60. AppendLabel
- 4.2.61. BeginPageMode
- 4.2.62. EndPageMode
- 4.2.63. AppendPageModeVerticalAbsolutePosition
- 4.2.64. AppendPageModeRotation
- 4.2.65. AppendPrintableArea
- 4.2.66. AppendCjkUnifiedIdeographFont
- 4.2.67. AppendHoldPrint
- 4.2.68. AppendPaperPresentStatus
- 4.3. IDisplayCommandBuilder
- 4.3.1. DisplayInternationalType
- 4.3.2. DisplayCodePageType
- 4.3.3. DisplayCursorMode
- 4.3.4. DisplayContrastMode
- 4.3.5. Commands
- 4.3.6. PassThroughCommands
- 4.3.7. Append
- 4.3.8. AppendBackSpace
- 4.3.9. AppendHorizontalTab
- 4.3.10. AppendLineFeed
- 4.3.11. AppendCarriageReturn
- 4.3.12. AppendBitmap
- 4.3.13. AppendInternational
- 4.3.14. AppendCodePage
- 4.3.15. AppendDeleteToEndOfLine
- 4.3.16. AppendClearScreen
- 4.3.17. AppendHomePosition
- 4.3.18. AppendTurnOn
- 4.3.19. AppendSpecifiedPosition
- 4.3.20. AppendCursorMode
- 4.3.21. AppendContrastMode
- 4.3.22. AppendUserDefinedCharacter
- 4.3.23. AppendUserDefinedDbcsCharacter
- 4.4. IMelodySpeakerCommandBuilder
- 4.5. SoundSetting
- 4.6. IPeripheralCommandParser
- 4.7. IPeripheralConnectParser
- 4.8. StarPrintPortJobMonitor
- 4.9. StarBluetoothManagerFactory
- 4.1. StarIoExt
- 5. API Reference ( StarIODeviceSetting.dll )
- 6. Appendix